Platform guide
Analyze your models

Image Classification


The below input parameters are for different attack types. To start working with the APIs view the Image Classification.

File upload format

  • Data: The processed data, ready to be passed to the model for prediction, should be saved in a folder.
  • Label: A CSV file should be created with two columns: "image" and "label." The first column should contain the image name, and the second column should contain the label. The label should be in integer format. Check sample label file attached.
  • Model: The model should be saved in either .h5 or TensorFlow format with full architecture. Full architecture is needed when loading the model to the platofrm for assessment either in encrypted or unencrypted. This can be ignored when model is hosted as an API.


  1. All files uploaded should be in zipped format. The above files are sample data for the MNIST use case.
  2. Prerequisite: Only 2-5 % of data is needed. The data should be representative and balanced across all classes.
    1. Model Extraction: requires ~(450-900) samples or ~(50-100) samples per class.
    2. Model Evasion: requires ~(810-1620) samples or ~(90-180) samples per class.
  3. For poisoning, check poisoning section to get sample data, label and models.

Common parameters

The below table parameters are common for all attact types such as Extraction, Evasion, and Poisoning.

To see the additional parameter specific for each attact type, such as Extraction and Evasion, refer to the below sections.


Data type





Model_id received during model registration. We need to provide this model ID in query parameter in URL.

You have to do model registration only once for a model to perform model analysis. This will help you track the no of api call made, and it's success metric.

Request Body (Json format)



Model trained on Normalized data.

if model is trained on normalized data, then set this parameter as "yes" else "no".



Provide input dimension of the image

the parameter should be string in the format "(height, weight, channel)" For example 28*28*1 for MNIST



Number of prediction classes. 

the parameter should be string. Example MNIST : 10 (Range >0 & <=200)



Original model is built with tensorflow framework.

curretly supported framework are: tensorflow, scikit-learn, keras. (Option:[tensorflow])

  • Reference data : The reference images or the clean images should be saved in a folder.
  • Reference label : A CSV file should be created with two columns: "image" and "label." The first column should contain the image name, and the second column should contain the label. The label should be in integer format. Check sample label file attached.
  • Test data : Dataset under test that might contain drifted images.
  • Test label : A csv file containing corresponding labels to the universal data, two columns: ‘image’ and ‘label’. The ‘image’ column contains the image name including the extension, and the second column should contain the label. The label should be in integer format.
  • Date : Data in a ZIP format needs to be checked for the presence of outliers.
  • Data Poisoning
    • Universal Dataset : Data containing potential poisoning data that needs to be tested.
    • Universal Label : A csv file containing corresponding labels to the universal data, two columns: ‘image’ and ‘label’. The ‘image’ column contains the imagename including the extension, and the second column should contain the label. The label should be in integer format.
    • Data : The processed data, ready to be passed to the model for prediction, should be saved in a folder.
    • Label : A CSV file should be created with two columns: "image" and "label." The first column should contain the image name, and the second column should contain the label. The label should be in integer format. Check sample label file attached.
    • Model : The model should be saved in either .h5 or TensorFlow format with full architecture. Full architecture is needed when loading the model to the platform for assessment.

To improve the accuracy, you can experiment with the following values for your attack input parameters. In our example we have used an MNIST dataset in our model and the below table reflects the parameters suitable for it. For more information, please refer to the reference implementation.

Task Pair/Analysis Type

Type of Attack Strategy

No of queries





Stolen model accuracy between 85%-90%




Stolen model accuracy above 90%




Evasion report




Model is poisoned or not.

To access all sample artifacts, please visit Artifacts.

Note: For Image classification, supported attack types are - Extraction, Evasion and Poisoning, Drift and Outlier.

Updated 22 Jan 2025
Doc contributor
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